I have a friend with severe arthritis, the doctor said in the near future she will have rheumatic heart disease, listening to my fears, I think this may be a bad rheumatism treatment, but how to prevent it? There is no better way to get the disease some of it ?????? the prevention of this disease should first focus on preventing the occurrence of rheumatic fever, valvular heart disease so that the fundamental basis of disease-free. Once the valve damage has been formed, should actively control and prevention of rheumatic activities to control symptoms, improve heart function, prevent disease worse. 1. Prevention of Streptococcus infections. Pay attention to living and health, of scarlet fever, acute tonsillitis, pharyngitis, otitis media and acute streptococcal infection lymph nodes go far, definitive treatment should be active in order to avoid the onset of rheumatic fever. Repeated attacks of rheumatic fever, heart valve damage will increase. 2. And rest. Appropriate exercise and physical labor can increase the compensatory ability of the heart, there is no difficulty in breathing and other symptoms of the patients., Work and life as usual, but avoid strenuous exercise and heavy labor. Rest can reduce the burden on the heart, is the necessary measures to combat this disease, patients with disease onset according to symptoms and doctor's orders, limit physical activity to different degrees, or even in bed, until the heart function improved. 3. Stable mind. A lot of mental stress in patients with rheumatic heart disease, agitation, it will suddenly tachycardia, increased burden on the heart, causing heart failure, heart and thus to wide flat gas, indifferent to observe God. 4. A reasonable diet. (1) prone to rheumatic heart disease, edema, and thus must limit salt intake to prevent edema increased, to prevent the increased burden on the heart, in general, patients with rheumatic heart disease in daily intake of salt 1 a, 5 grams more appropriate. (2) reduce fat diet: dietary fat intake after the business is not easy to digest, will increase the burden on the heart, and some will arrhythmia, so use less or no fat diet. (3) and limit salt the same reason, patients with rheumatic heart disease should eat less sodium rich foods such as bananas, etc., so as not to cause edema. (4) ease into the drink: one drink plenty of water, tea, soup, fruit juice, soft drinks or other beverages, it will rapidly increase the blood volume, thus increasing the burden on the heart. So do not eat too much drink, preferably a period not exceeding 500 ml. Need to drink plenty of water when the drink is divided into several times, each time less, separated by a longer time. (5) ring irritation and excitement of food drink drugs: pepper, ginger, pepper, tobacco, alcohol and a lot of drinking tea, clothing caffeine, amphetamines and other stimulants will be a burden on the heart, cardiac function in patients with rheumatic heart disease poor, especially when attention. 5. Restraint sex life. In general, rheumatic heart disease patients with heart failure if never happened, then the marriage, birth, breastfeeding and so there is not much hindrance. Since both husband and wife sex life, the heart rate and blood pressure will rise, increasing burden on the heart will follow. Therefore, rheumatic heart disease patients should control sex life. Female patients, such as severe illness, pregnancy, childbirth should not be, because during pregnancy; heart burden, may endanger the lives of mother and child. Young women with severe, it is best not to marry until the disease do better to consider the situation. 6. Changyin lemon juice. Oral lemon juice has a good effect to treat rheumatism. Experiments show that lemon juice can inhibit the ability of lead to rheumatic fever streptococcus. Lemon juice to drink is: starting from day 1, oral administration of lemon juice 10 ml per day, after serving lo ml of each day, has been adding services to 300 ml per day so far, and then daily by 10 ml, until reduced to until the first day lo ml. After two such courses generally, rheumatic heart disease will be significantly improved.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Rheumatic heart disease
I am suffering from rheumatic heart disease has been four or five years, and, I went to many hospitals do not help me to open any medicine, that is, long-acting penicillin shot me a month, but occasionally, when my symptoms are quite Obviously, now how do I do it the best? Thank you! you go to regular hospital check to see if valve regurgitation are not so big, as if the worst case, valve replacement surgery, medical treatment of rheumatic heart disease, there is little at home and abroad a good way, if you delay the disease would become a big heart too much trouble, or go to the hospital as soon as possible, for a regular hospital in Beijing, about 7 million of rheumatic valvular heart disease is a complication of rheumatoid disease. Cure to cure rheumatic heart disease, the traditional treatment of these are chronic lifelong disease, treatment is remission, the disease or in a step by step increase. I can give you good recommendations, Department of rheumatic fever sequelae of rheumatic heart disease, is caused due to acute rheumatic fever, heart inflammation, the left and to the main heart valve disease. Valve disease clinical performance is a corresponding area of the heart murmur; ventricular, atrial enlargement, such as the late cardiac dysfunction. Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) is a common type of heart disease is the consequence of rheumatic heart of change violation, showing valve stenosis and / or regurgitation in patients with women than men. Damage to the mitral valve is the most common, followed by the aortic valve, several valves at the same time can also be involved, known as the Joint valve disease. Recurrent inflammation of the valves, valve thickening and shortening, adhesions and fibrosis caused by valvular regurgitation and stenosis. May be associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Asymptomatic early stage, the heart over time have increased, arrhythmia, usually after 10 to 15 years progressive heart failure. Rheumatic fever caused by the incidence of valvular disease accounted for more than 50%. Echocardiographic diagnosis of rheumatic valvular disease is the best screening method. Normal adult mitral valve area 4cm2 ~ 6cm2. Mitral valve area after lesions can be reduced, 1.5cm2-4cm2 for the mild stenosis ,1.0-1 .5 cm2 as moderate stenosis, 1.0cm2 less severe stenosis, when the obstruction of blood flow that is quite obvious that the performance of patients after the event palpitation, shortness of breath, cough, fatigue, paroxysmal dyspnea. hemoptysis or heart failure, etc., may occur in some cases of atrial thrombosis, cerebral embolism and thrombosis may result in loss or other organs embolism. Upon diagnosis, especially in young patients with pulmonary edema and paroxysmal dyspnea, cardiac insufficiency, mitral stenosis and severe or more and the system of medical therapy, the effect is not obvious, surgical treatment should be implemented, Early surgical patient can lift the pain, restore life skills and work skills. Cause of rheumatic heart disease rheumatic heart valvular disease also known as chronic rheumatic heart disease, acute rheumatic carditis is left over after the heart valve disease mainly of a heart attack. Rheumatic valvular disease is the most common heart disease, cardiovascular disease in adults, about 40% of the disease, most patients is 20 to 40-year-old young adults, women slightly. Clinically, the most common mitral valve disease alone, 70% to 80%, followed by mitral valve with aortic valve disease, 20% to 30%. Symptoms of rheumatic heart disease with mitral stenosis, mitral regurgitation, aortic stenosis, aortic regurgitation are described. (A) of the mitral stenosis: young adults see the hot and humid with a history of decompensated heart function can be asymptomatic, decompensation, appear after the event shortness of breath, palpitations, paroxysmal dyspnea. Severe orthopnea, hemoptysis, etc., with advanced right heart failure occurs. Significant mitral valve face (two zygomatic and purple lips, touched the apex diastolic tremor). (B) mitral regurgitation: decompensated heart function can be asymptomatic, and can be heart palpitations, breathlessness after activity, fatigue, weakness, hemoptysis and other left ventricular dysfunction. The late symptoms of right heart dysfunction, such as the liver, lower extremity edema. Obvious signs, the apex beat shows a strong increase and reach limitations of lifting impulse samples, percussion Expanding the left heart border. (C) aortic stenosis: severe, dizziness, fraudulent claims syncope, angina, cardiac arrhythmia, or sudden death. Late breathing difficulties, cough, hemoptysis and other symptoms of left ventricular dysfunction, signs for the active flap area heard a loud coarse hair-like systolic murmur conducted to the neck, accompanied by systolic tremors. (D) of aortic regurgitation: visible decompensated heart palpitations, head vibration sense, sometimes angina, severe paroxysmal dyspnea and cough, the performance of left ventricular failure. Carotid artery and the dorsalis pedis artery pulse was, apical lobe pulse increased, to the left under the shift, was flattering nature. Treatment of rheumatic heart disease (a) mitral stenosis: Massive take seats, with sedatives such as stability, and other diuretics such as furosemide; treatment of acute pulmonary edema caused by acute left heart failure and pulmonary edema is similar to the difference is should not be dominated by expansion of the expansion of small artery vascular drugs and cardiac drugs, when there is rapid atrial fibrillation only when required cedilanid reduce ventricular law. When the company of acute fat fast Room law is preferable to reduce the ventricular cedilanid law. Right ventricular failure should be low-salt diet, diuretics and digoxin-based treatment. (B) mitral regurgitation: 1) medical treatment: attention to the prevention of rheumatic fever and infective endocarditis. Appropriate physical activity and rest, limiting sodium intake and the prevention and treatment of respiratory tract infection. With heart failure, the use of digitalis preparations, diuretics and vasodilators. 2) surgical treatment: to restore the integrity of the underlying valvular measures should in the event of irreversible left ventricular dysfunction before the implementation of prosthetic valve replacement. (C) aortic stenosis: 1) medical treatment: prevention of rheumatic fever and infective endocarditis, regular review. Moderate and severe stenosis, limiting physical activity, prevention of angina, syncope and heart failure. Heart failure sodium restriction, use of digitalis preparations, careful application of diuretics. 2) surgical treatment: severe aortic stenosis associated with angina, syncope, or heart failure as the main indications for surgery, artificial heart valve replacement surgery for the treatment of adults with aortic valve stenosis of the main method. (Iv) aortic valve insufficiency: 1) medical treatment: prevention of rheumatic fever and infective endocarditis. 2) surgical treatment: artificial heart valve replacement aortic valve regurgitation is a serious primary treatment. Chinese medicine treatment: 1) blood stasis mainly: restless heart palpitations, chest tightness, uncomfortable, sad, made, rather then the cough with hemoptysis, the two zygomatic purple, a purple lips, tongue or dark purple bruise, treatment principles: promoting blood circulation , qi meridians. 2) qi and blood deficiency mainly: palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness, fatigue, minimalist looking, poor sleep, pale tongue, weak pulse. Treatment principle: blood nourishing the heart, Qi Anshen. 3) cardiac deficiency mainly: palpitations, dizziness, chest abdominal fullness, cough, Chuan Ji, and even then not lying. Edema oliguria, hand, foot and not warm, purple tongue, the pulse was thin and the number or knot generation. Treatment principles: Onyang and Water, left to righting. Care of rheumatic heart disease rheumatic heart disease (RHD) is a common type of heart disease is the consequence of rheumatic heart of change violation, showing valve stenosis and / or regurgitation in patients with women than men. Damage to the mitral valve is the most common, several valves at the same time can also be involved, known as the Joint valve disease. Recurrent inflammation of the valves, valve thickening and shortening, adhesions and fibrosis caused by valvular regurgitation and stenosis. Asymptomatic early stage, the heart over time have increased, arrhythmia, usually after 10 to 15 years progressive heart failure. Therefore, suffering from rheumatic heart disease should pay attention to rest and treatment under the guidance of doctors. Some patients can be surgery. Care points �� attention to rest, work and rest, avoid heavy physical activity. But the heart allows the case, can be the right amount of light physical activity or light physical work. �� prevent colds, prevent tonsil, gingivitis and so on. If the infection can be used penicillin treatment. Those who are allergic to penicillin or erythromycin can be used lincomycin therapy. �� heart failure who should control the water intake, dietary sodium restriction in the amount of daily to 10 grams (2 money) the following is appropriate, avoid the consumption of salted products. �� taking diuretics should eat fruits such as bananas, oranges and so on. �� atrial fibrillation patients are not suitable for vigorous activity. Should be on regular follow-up; at the appropriate time to consider surgical operations, when carried out by the doctor according to the case may be. �� For extraction or other minor surgery, preoperative use of antibiotics to prevent infection. Chinese medicine treatment recommendations for treatment of rheumatic heart disease, these symptoms should be on the hospital examination and treatment. Rheumatic heart disease heart failure, atrial fibrillation, cerebral embolism, should be treated. Syndrome in Chinese medicine practitioners use the following on the basis of medicine: 1. Is depleted heart yin nourishing Yin Yi, Ning Anshen. Dan can be served Tianwangbuxin, cinnabar sedative pills. 2. Is the heart qi insufficiency should raise the heart Yipi, yang qi. Can be served Guipi, Bai Zi Yang Xin Wan. 3. Is a type of blood stasis should pass Yang Qi, promoting blood circulation. Can serve Xuefuzhuyu pills, Guan Xin Su Wan, compound Danshen tablets. Note 1. Do not over-physical exertion, but not negative resting. To regular exercise in order not to increase the degree of symptoms. 2. Overeat at each meal can not increase the burden of heart are advised to Eat small meals often. Food should be soft, easy to digest, light; not too much salt ingestion, edema of heart failure but also to control sodium intake. 3. To avoid the cold, cold, aggressive treatment of tonsillitis and other reference materials: fsx / incidence of rheumatic heart disease is now much lower, mainly to improve people's living standards, and the major rheumatic heart for Heart Center valve surgery volume are on the decline. However, the ultimate disease treatment is valve replacement surgery after half a century of clinical experience, should be very mature, the major cardiac center technology should be good. Cardiothoracic Surgery, Changhai Hospital, Shanghai in this respect should be the strongest since the country's first case of valve replacement is carried out there.
23 days newborn, congenital heart disease, congenital heart disease�� ��
Description disease (onset time, major symptoms, visiting hospitals, etc.): Birth to 23 days because of jaundice, Wuhan Children's Hospital, the doctor heard a heart murmur, a heart ultrasound showed 1. Zhudong Mo widened, breaking Huan diameter 12MM, saddle indoor wall, ride rate of about 40% - 50%. Pulmonary stenosis, trunk diameter of about 7MM, left pulmonary artery diameter of about 5MM, artery between normal. 2. The right heart increases, right ventricular diameter 13MM, wall thickening, left ventricular internal diameter 17MM. 3. The opening and closing valves showed no abnormal morphology. 4. Septal anterior wall of the top and see a continuous interruption of aortic 9MM. No obvious septal echo loss. 5.CDFI: Room level to double the signal mainly left to right; room level of the central left-right shunt signals, streaming beam width 5MM, seen in pulmonary artery systolic peak velocity of high-speed turbulent signal 4.1 M / s, pressure 68MMHG. Check Hint: congenital heart disease tetralogy of Fallot. Atrial level left to right shunt a patent foramen ovale? 2 atrial septal defects? Once and effectiveness of treatment: Children's Hospital, said Dr. Huang Danhou better: to wait 2-3 months after treatment after a heart ultrasound. Want kind of help: 1 What is congenital heart disease? A natural long good possible? What are the treatment options? 2. Whether you like to see a doctor? What if you want to do surgery right? Surgery cost? 3 I is a relatively poor rural areas have Suizhou incentives it? not grow well, only surgery. Recommendation 3 months, accusing him of echocardiography and review procedures, costs 4 million. Hospital of the rural cooperative medical care, some of the costs may be reimbursed. (Dong Nianguo doctor solemnly remind: diagnosis of patients because they can not face, unable to understand the disease, these recommendations are for reference, be sure to go to the hospital clinic under the guidance of a doctor!)
Week-old baby atrial septal defect 0.52cm, ventricular septal defect 0.3cm, pneumonia, congenital heart disease, pulmonary hypertension ��\\ pneumonia��
Description disease (onset time, major symptoms, visiting hospitals, etc.): Gender: Male Age: 14 days history: no disease: 1 \\ pneumoniae infection has been treated to eliminate inflammation, but the lung function recovered slowly, breathing is still a bit to promote, in the hospital deoxy two weeks yet, pulmonary hypertension, and the second light to the right upper lung X shadow (the first photo did not find the time, before and after the chest twice about every week), the hospital proposed to do CT, I do not know do not do a good job? ? 2 \\ Heart check: atrial septal defect found in about 0.5cm, ventricular septal about 0.3cm, this strict Health Why?? I do not know whether the life of a child, whether their own long good chance of recovery, or need an operation? For what time hand surgery appropriate? found to have pulmonary hypertension, I do not know the baby's condition and what impact the body?? once and effectiveness of treatment: how want to help: According to the results provided by ultrasonography, ventricular and atrial interval defect is not large, is not immediately surgery. Currently the first treatment of pneumonia, 3 months or so to come here for further examination can be diagnosed, and determine whether surgery and operation time. Click here to see my out-time (PATHOLOGY doctor solemn reminder: because they could not face attending patients, unable to understand the disease, these recommendations are for reference, be sure to go to the hospital clinic under the guidance of a doctor!)
Children with congenital heart disease on the one
Closed on pulmonary artery in children less cable, ventricular septal defect, under the auspices of diameter 1.01cm, patent ductus arteriosus diameter 0.38CM I want to know the severity, where medical care is better, roughly how much it costs ... thank you! To describe the point of view should be very serious, of course, refer to the clinical situation. Beijing Fu Wai Hospital, good advice to their specific situation. congenital heart disease can be cured. fetal congenital heart disease is due to cardiovascular abnormalities of the heart caused the vascular malformation, period is the most common heart disease in children. Past 20 years due to advanced technology development of modern inspection (such as cardiac catheterization, cardiovascular angiography, color Doppler echocardiography and radionuclide angiocardiography, etc.) and hypothermic anesthesia, cardiopulmonary bypass, and the progress of cardiac surgery Many common congenital heart disease to get an accurate diagnosis and cure, part of the complex cardiac malformations can also be into surgical treatment. ���� �� because of genetic disease is the major internal factors. �� any effect on the heart in the fetal embryonic development of the factors that are likely to cause heart malformations, such as the pregnant mother suffering from rubella, influenza, mumps, Coxsackie virus infection, diabetes, hypercalcemia, maternal exposure to radiation; pregnancy A mother taking anti-cancer drugs or other drugs sugar Ning. Classification of congenital heart disease: According to the heart or major blood vessels between the left and right (aorta and large veins) with or without abnormal passage between the existence or performance according to whether the bruising will be divided into congenital heart disease, left-right shunt �� (latent cyanotic): If the atrial septal defect, ventricular septal defect, patent ductus arteriosus. �� right to left shunt (cyanotic): If the tetralogy of Fallot, great vessels and so on. �� The shunt (no bruising type): If pulmonary stenosis, coarctation of the aorta and so on. �� growth and development of symptoms in children may be more children behind their peers, and susceptibility to respiratory infections. �� With or without bruising nature of the cardiac malformations, such as atrial septal defect, ventricular septal defect and patent ductus arteriosus, is usually no bruising early, but after intense activity or cry laughing bruising may occur, with age, when development to the late bruising may occur. Right to left shunt congenital heart disease, severe cardiac malformations, such as tetralogy of Fallot in children after birth or several weeks to several months to appear purple, and gradually increased. �� cardiac auscultation, can be heard at the left sternal border systolic murmur, ventricular septal defect atrial septal defect than the location of noise is low, more sound, more rough, Bureau of the four broad conduction; atrial septal defect murmur left 2 to 3 ribs , the softer, more limited; murmur of patent ductus arteriosus higher position, at the 2nd intercostal space, loud, rough, conducted a wide turn as the machine was like a continuous murmur, systolic and diastolic can be heard; tetralogy of Fallot in the position of high and low to loud noise levels vary according to deformity, severe cases of noise but light. �� tetralogy of Fallot in children often move in, then squat down and rest to relieve shortness of breath, and sometimes fainting may occur (transient cerebral hypoxia change), and even life-threatening ventilation; addition, tetralogy of Fallot patients children's fingers and toes swollen like a drum-like terminal, said Park fingers (toes). Photos can be used for the heart, ECG and cardiac echocardiography look sound. Echocardiography, the largest of its diagnostic value, can show the atrial septum, ventricular septal defect size, location, points of blood flow, and other vascular malformations; general should be made before surgery, cardiac catheterization and angiography to further clarify the cardiovascular preoperative diagnosis and well prepared. Complications ���� atrial septal defect, ventricular septal defect and patent ductus arteriosus often susceptible to pneumonia, heart failure-prone, tetralogy of Fallot often be complicated by cerebral thrombosis, brain abscess, the addition of atrial septal defect of congenital heart disease outside are complicated by bacterial endocarditis. ���� �� surgical treatment: congenital heart disease in radical surgical treatment is generally 4 to 5 years old in for surgery, such as the symptoms are severe or persistent bacterial endocarditis who can not control the operation in advance. �� medical treatment: congenital heart disease medical treatment before surgery is mainly to avoid vigorous activity, prevention or treatment of infections, if any, of heart failure should be actively treated. The performance of children with congenital heart disease in children with congenital heart disease is the most common cardiovascular disease, usually before the age of 3 can be confirmed. Congenital heart disease was mainly due to early fetal development, the embryo is generally the first 3 months, for some reason stopped fetal cardiovascular development or developmental abnormality. Comparison of the reason for the pregnant women accepted rubella, influenza and other viral infections; pregnant women taking hormones or other damage to the fetus of drugs; pregnant women under the abdomen or pelvic X ray, ultrasound, radionuclide, etc. irradiation; or severe maternal nutritional deficiencies, lack of oxygen . Some children with congenital heart disease in addition, also associated with systemic multiple malformations, which are often prompted to germ cells in children with genetic defects due to congenital heart disease occurred. Light congenital heart disease can be no special symptoms, normal growth and development, only found in the left chest physical examination rough loud noise. Heavy children with congenital heart disease, early in the neonatal period or infancy appears obvious symptoms. Symptoms of congenital heart disease, mainly two aspects: (1) in children with cyanotic nose, lips, nails, conjunctiva, etc. see blue purple skin and mucous membranes. Cyanosis appeared at the same time, children with growth retardation, mental retardation, when eating or crying may occur after breathing difficulties, severe cases there is loss of consciousness, seizures. Children to walk, often due to cerebral hypoxia feeling squat down automatically. (2) heart failure symptoms of shortness of breath, short, children can not be supine, cough, tachycardia, small blisters filled lungs, liver enlargement, pale, lower extremity edema and so on. Once the above symptoms should be immediately sent to hospital treatment of children with congenital heart disease Wuxi Xinhua News Channel on September 2: Congenital heart disease is the harm the health of children, especially infants and young children and the cruelty of life, \According to statistics, approximately every 1,000 newborns with congenital heart disease 6. The population birth rate and the incidence of congenital heart disease, it is estimated there are 15 million of annual sick child was born. In the pathogenesis of congenital heart disease, left ventricular septal defect a \of cardiac abnormalities. Congenital heart disease because the lack of effective preventive measures, combined with congenital heart disease without treatment, half the age of one death, to the age of two 2 / 3 dead. Therefore, early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment are key to reducing the disease natural mortality. Since many congenital heart disease without specific clinical symptoms early, so early detection is sometimes difficult. But as more of several common congenital heart defects, such as long-term not corrected can cause pulmonary hypertension, and ultimately can lead to heart failure. Surgery is the traditional method of treatment of congenital heart disease, already has a very rich experience and treatment, and is still evolving. However, surgical trauma of congenital heart disease, sometimes serious complications can occur after surgery or treatment outcome is not satisfactory, it has been a troubled doctors and parents problem. Currently, the treatment of children with congenital heart disease are mainly two ways: opening the chest and interventional therapy. Thoracotomy is the traditional method, is still too complex congenital heart disease along this method, but too much surgical trauma, with the development of medicine without surgical intervention treatment is more widely used in the treatment of children with congenital heart disease. In 1967 the first foreign experts such as P orstman successfully by interventional catheter occlusion of patent ductus arteriosus, followed by this method have been used in congenital atrial septal defect, pulmonary valve stenosis, the radical treatment, especially in recent years with the medical and related development of the subject, congenital ventricular septal defect can also be involved in radical catheter. Interventional treatment of these diseases are similar, the main conduit through a small incision in the thigh by a 12 mm in size of the incision, moving from the right side of the groin or vein occlusion device into the heart or blood vessels within the accuracy defects or abnormal channel site, its blocked, surgery will come to an end. Coupled with disinfection, imaging and other procedures, the entire surgical process for about 1 hour or so. 2 days after surgery the patient can walk the following was observed one day be able to leave the hospital. Compared with the traditional thoracotomy, intervention ventricular septal defect, atrial septal defect, patent ductus arteriosus and pulmonary valve stenosis has the following advantages, it is very suitable for children: one. Does not require thoracotomy, trauma, child , it does not leave marks to the chest without affecting the appearance; do not need general anesthesia and cardiopulmonary bypass, children's physique is different from adults, to avoid the result of anesthesia, the risk caused by cardiopulmonary bypass; intraoperative blood loss, no blood transfusion; few complications and high security. II. Shorter hospitalization, faster recovery after surgery and without taking any drugs. III. The treatment effect is good. Occluder 1 month after implantation in the heart of the body's own endothelial cells on the surface had been covered, 3 months after the endothelial cells to complete the closure device embedded, will not fall off occluder. This method of therapy for congenital heart disease through clinical practice, continuous improvement, is now basically mature. After several years of follow-up observation, all through the interventional treatment of congenital heart disease patients return to normal, its growth is not affected, and capable of performing all the work, study and life. Provincial People's Hospital Associate Professor of Cardiology, Xiang-Qing (Yangtze Evening News
Congenital heart disease
About 24 hours of birth, mild shortness of breath did not love there crying, not feeding, after a medical examination that is caused by amniotic fluid aspiration pneumonia, and sent to the neonatal intensive care isolation room put incubator treatment, X ray shows pneumonia the heart shadow is too large, the doctor said to do with suspected heart attack B-ECG, echocardiography report card is now as follows: The main measured values M-bounce echocardiography (CM) LVDd: 2.1Ao1.08LVEF: 63% LVDS: 1.45 LA1.18LVFS32% more than the spectrum Shop Le Shop Le ultrasound AAo0.8 color ultrasound more than mild MR with mild TR AI-negative PI-negative description of the location and the connection is normal heart, aorta without widening, pulmonary slightly widened. The film open debate activities normal, no significant disruption compartment, left aortic arch. ductus arteriosus, pulse arterial end of the level of left to right 0.28CM main artery shunt, peak velocity of about 3.14 / S. interruption of atrial septal about 0.3CM small central left-echo right shunt, left ventricular saw a small band of light with left ventricular posterior wall and interventricular septum in between. ultrasonography impression: Congenital heart disease, patent ductus arteriosus, atrial septal interruption, a small amount of left to right shunt. left ventricular false tendons shrink because children in isolation rooms, and we parents can only go every afternoon between 3-4 points inquiry, because there are some 30 children, each parent is only 2 minutes, other times unable to see the doctor, so Guiqiu of you are Man can give a single interpretation of the next report, the situation in the end how the baby? serious? can heal? If you can not heal when treated? need to how to treat? the hospital is better domestic? usually need to how to care for the baby after discharge from hospital? Guiqiu you to interpret a large Gap reported under the single issue is not very serious consideration of atrial septal defect patent foramen ovale 0.3cm, small defects, very large within 1 year of age may be automatically closed. Patent ductus arteriosus, the most common congenital heart disease is the most simple, but once they do not attach importance may lead to catastrophic consequences, such as pulmonary hypertension. Proposed to strengthen the care and avoid vigorous crying and cold and Doppler in 6 months, if over the age of PDA closure, the proposed surgical ligation. This is very simple ligation without thoracotomy. In short this is very common heart defects, will be a great possibility of natural together, even if the success rate is also high, do not worry, but keep in mind the prevention of influenza, pneumonia and heart failure event that may affect the success rate of self-healing. The authority of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Hospital: North - Beijing Fu Wai Hospital, Cardiovascular Hospital Tianjin Teda South - Shanghai Xinhua Hospital of fetal congenital heart disease is due to cardiovascular abnormalities of the heart caused the vascular malformation, the period is the most common heart disease in children. Including atrial septal defect, ventricular septal defect, patent ductus arteriosus, tetralogy of Fallot, and other great vessels, pulmonary stenosis, coarctation of the aorta and so on. Past 20 years due to advanced technology development of modern inspection and hypothermic anesthesia, cardiopulmonary bypass and cardiac surgical progress, a lot of common congenital heart disease to get an accurate diagnosis and cure, part of the complex cardiac malformations can also be into surgery treatment. First, the cause: in the fetal heart of any effect on embryonic development of the factors may cause heart defects, such as the pregnant mother suffering from rubella, influenza, mumps, Coxsackie virus infection, diabetes, hypercalcemia, maternal exposure radiation; maternal anti-cancer drug or a sugar taking other drugs Ning. Second, the clinical manifestations: 1, children may be more growth and development of children lagging behind their peers, and susceptibility to respiratory infections. 2, atrial septal defect, ventricular septal defect and patent ductus arteriosus, is usually no bruising early, but after intense activity or cry laughing bruising may occur, with age, to the late development of bruising may occur. Right to left shunt congenital heart disease, severe cardiac malformations, such as tetralogy of Fallot in children after birth or several weeks to several months to appear purple, and gradually increased. 3, cardiac auscultation, can be heard at the left sternal border systolic murmur. 4, tetralogy of Fallot in children in the activities, the need to frequently squat to rest, to relieve shortness of breath, syncope may occur at times (temporary changes in brain hypoxia), and even life-threatening ventilation; In addition, TOF Fallot children with fingers, toes, swollen like a drum-like terminal, said clubbing (toe). In addition, atrial septal defect, ventricular septal defect and patent ductus arteriosus often susceptible to pneumonia, heart failure-prone, tetralogy of Fallot often be complicated by cerebral thrombosis, brain abscess, the addition of atrial septal defect with congenital heart disease were outside the complicated by bacterial endocarditis. Third, diagnostic measures: X-ray contrast can be used for the heart, ECG and cardiac echocardiography look sound. Echocardiography, the largest of its diagnostic value, can show the atrial septum, ventricular septal defect size, location, points of blood flow, and other vascular malformations; general should be made before surgery, cardiac catheterization and angiography to further clarify the cardiovascular preoperative diagnosis and well prepared. IV treatment: 1, surgical treatment: cure of congenital heart disease is surgery, general surgery in 4-5 years for such symptoms are severe or persistent bacterial endocarditis who can not control the operation in advance. 2, the medical treatment: congenital heart disease medical treatment before surgery is mainly to avoid vigorous activity, prevention or treatment of infections, if any, of heart failure should be actively treated. Oh, your baby, not heart problems, primarily patent ductus arteriosus, 2.8 mm, the other has a 0.3 cm central atrial septal defect, atrial septal central and relatively small, then consider the patent foramen ovale. However, note that many newborns are to be delayed until 3 months before PDA closure because the fetal ductus arteriosus is absolutely not closed to it relied on the supply of oxygen, the fetus does not breathe their own sake. Newborn after the birth of their breathing, then do not necessarily have their own immediate closure of the ductus arteriosus, even closed, and no fully reliable right. You a newborn, and that not too much thinking. Also has its own chance to close, in fact, within 3 months of patent ductus arteriosus, it generally can not be considered, if the premature children, it is more easy. After 1 year old general that the ductus arteriosus should absolutely be closed. Another patent foramen ovale, it is only 0.3 cm, usually so closed to the possibility of their own age about 90% of itself that will not cause hemodynamic changes, it will be more old than others easy to cerebral infarction only, but not all infarction. . There is also a left ventricular false tendons, this fact, many see the normal population, and more than 60% of people can be found, most do not consider is the exception, of course, a few people who may cause arrhythmia causes. The so-called tendons, heart valves is under the fixtures, false tendons, the shape similar to the tendons, heart valves, but not the fixtures only. The general population the ratio is so high, you always have heart disease, it is not necessarily so many people. So your baby, the heart is entirely after the follow-up should have the possibility of a large patent ductus arteriosus and their patent foramen ovale, have their own closed. Because of the patent foramen ovale is too small and not much pressure atrium, it is generally not a big problem is not closed also at most elderly have increased after cerebral infarction opportunities. The patent ductus arteriosus, it should be said that if they do not close, then after the surgery should be out in time, because the aorta and pulmonary artery catheter is connected between, then the aortic pressure, then you still may cause long-term adverse effects. So look to the future, when the closure is not closed, such as 1 year old, then consider surgery out of the general thoracic surgery can also be involved, but the thoracic surgery is also not happy because that is the aorta and between pulmonary artery ligation, or crush you give it on the line. I was once a doctor had misdiagnosed the patient did not, did not receive a red envelope rebate, but ���ܲ���֮Ô©, doctors were forced to leave the job. My heart is really bleeding. My experience here, we have time to look at the merits of its own conclusions% C0% F7% C7% E5/blog/item/48a92f099845f2920a7b8292.html
Early symptoms of heart disease
I often throbbing heart will suddenly feel a bit suffocating feeling, as if the reaction of people when sad sad, but what I usually do not have the time love will have this feeling, as if a sudden contraction of the heart, time is very short, many times. Pull in a large data over the Internet, can understand the words to talk about much detail as possible, not more than words, truth can be, by the way any treatment. Thank you. Your symptoms such as arrhythmia, but can not determine the specific type of arrhythmia. I suggest you go to the hospital to be ECG, if not very frequent seizures are likely to see the issue of ordinary ECG, Holter monitoring can be a continuous record of 24 to 48 hours, you may find the problem. Specific questions can only be determined after the treatment, some arrhythmias are not treatable. If you do not need treatment by a medical doctor you can not be done, do not own medication. With your description is difficult to diagnose, such as premature, relevant content you can check in online, the easiest is to go to the hospital to be ECG, no clear diagnosis, please do not blindly take medicine! Do ECG and cardiac ultrasound to see. How the wind blows early detection. Goes speakers, disease early prevention, prevention; sick early treatment, late to remedy the situation. Heart disease prevention and treatment of the key is \So how in the early detection of heart disease? It's how the wind blows. Common symptoms of heart disease are as follows: Symptoms: Pain can not get enough of myocardial blood and oxygen (called myocardial ischemia) and excessive accumulation of metabolic products can lead to seizures. Angina is often said that the heart can not get enough blood supply resulting from a chest or a squeezing feeling a sense of austerity. However, between different individuals, this type of pain or discomfort and has a very different level. Myocardial ischemia in some patients, chest pain may never occur (called occult myocardial ischemia). If other muscle tissue (especially gastrocnemius) can not get enough blood supply, patients often feel the muscles tightening in the sense of movement and fatigue pain (intermittent claudication). Pericarditis (inflammation around the heart cavity or injury) caused by pain often aggravated when the patient supine, sitting or leaning forward in place to mitigate, exercise does not make the pain worse. Because there may be pleurisy, it may increase respiratory check or reduce the patient's pain. When the arterial tear or rupture, the patient developed severe sharp pain, the pain may come and gone and nothing to do with the temporary physical activity. Sometimes the lesions may occur in the aorta, the children especially the aorta. Over-stretching or bulging aorta section (aneurysm) sudden leakage, or mild intimal tear, leaking blood into the aortic dissection. These damages can cause sudden severe pain. Pain can occur in the back of the neck, shoulder room area, lower back or abdomen. Left ventricular contraction, located between the left atrium and left ventricle may be off a set of valves to the left atrium (mitral valve prolapse), which is sometimes linked to the patient a brief episodes of tingling, usually such a pain in the Under the left internal mammary, and has nothing to do with the position and activities. Symptom Two: shortness of breath shortness of breath are common symptoms of heart failure is fluid leaking into the lungs results in the alveolar interstitial, called pulmonary congestion or pulmonary edema, similar to drowning. Early in heart failure, shortness of breath only in the physical activity. With the aggravation of heart failure, shortness of breath occurs when a minor activity until resting are shortness of breath. The liquid permeability lying to the whole lung, while the standing position due to gravity at the bottom of the liquid mainly in the lungs, so patients with heart failure or worsening shortness of breath when supine and standing position to alleviate the symptoms. Patients with paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea is shortness of breath when supine at night, after standing reduce. Shortness of breath not only found in heart disease, suffering from lung diseases, respiratory diseases and respiratory processes affect the nervous system diseases may also experience shortness of breath. Any resulting imbalance between oxygen supply and oxygen demand of the disease or condition, such as anemia or hyperthyroidism, blood oxygen deficiency such as excessive consumption of oxygen, can be induced in patients with shortness of breath. Three symptoms: fatigue when the heart pumping capacity decreases, muscle blood flow during the event insufficient to meet the need, when patients often feel fatigue and burnout. However, these symptoms often elusive, difficult to cause the patient's attention. Patients often come through the gradual reduction of activity to adapt to or attributed to aging performance. Four symptoms: heart palpitations usually, people do not feel their heartbeat. However, in some cases, such as violent activities, and even normal people will be aware of their heart is very strong, fast or irregular. By pulse palpation or cardiac auscultation, the doctor can confirm that these symptoms. Whether symptoms of abnormal heart palpitations depends on the following questions: whether the incentive is sudden or gradual, heart rate, whether the severity of arrhythmias and so on. Palpitations and other symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest pain, weakness and fatigue, dizziness occur frequently suggestive of an arrhythmia or other serious diseases exist. Five symptoms: dizziness and fainting because the heart rate abnormalities, rhythm disturbance or a pump failure caused by reduced cardiac output can cause dizziness and syncope. These symptoms can also be caused by brain or spinal cord disease, or even no serious cause. Such as prolonged standing, leg muscle activity due to reduction of the soldiers of blood returning to the heart, dizziness may occur. Strong mood swings or pain stimulate the nervous system can also lead to dizziness and syncope. Doctor must identify cardiogenic syncope and epilepsy, which is caused by a brain disease. Heart disease prevention and treatment of the key is \So how in the early detection of heart disease? It's how the wind blows: In addition to the common heart palpitations, chest pain and other well-known symptoms, often there are some surface signs. To observe the aura symptoms, you can early diagnosis and treatment. These surface signs including: �� breathing: made some minor events, or in a quiet state, shortness of breath phenomenon, but not with cough, expectoration. This situation is likely to be the performance of left ventricular dysfunction. �� face: If you face gray and purple, look indifferent, this is critically ill with advanced heart disease, faces. If his face dark red, which is rheumatic heart disease, mitral stenosis characteristics. If the pale color, there may be signs of mitral regurgitation. �� nose: If the nose is hard and it shows that the heart has too much fat. If the tip of the nose swollen, suggesting that fat may also enlarged heart or heart attack is growing. In addition, the red nose often predict heart disease. �� the skin: chronic heart failure, pulmonary heart disease in patients with advanced skin can be dark brown or dark purple, which is the long-term hypoxic tissues, adrenal cortex function decline. Skin and mucous membranes, and extremities were blue and purple, and that the heart of oxygen, the reduction of blood protein in the blood increase. �� ears: heart disease in the early performance of different degrees of tinnitus, which is fine because the inner ear vascular motility disorders, diseases not caused by systemic response, the precursor to the inner ear to get the signal. If your earlobe creases there a consistent, most likely due to coronary artery disease. �� Head and Neck: If the direction of the clavicle extending to the ear lobes protruding ribs of a table, such as the little finger thick, is likely to be right heart dysfunction. �� shoulder: the weather obviously very good, left shoulder, left arm inside there are bursts of pain, which may be coronary heart disease. �� hands and feet: finger or toe was thick end and a raised surface such as the drumstick-like, common in chronic pulmonary heart disease or congenital cyanotic heart disease. �� lower extremity: the elderly lower extremity edema, cardiac dysfunction is often caused obstruction of venous return performance. In addition, if often palpitations, asthma, and only was able to ease the squatting, which is unique purple heart disease clamp performance.
Ate heart disease
Heart disease ate? Heart to eat what is wrong? Should pay attention to what? He is my classmate's grandmother, more than 70 a year. To professional answer. Have had experience. Replied good points. Jiji Ji Ji Jiji Jiji Ji Ji Jiji Jiji Ji acute heart disease who want to avoid salt (sodium chloride), which seems to be people's common sense, in fact, not all heart patients should avoid salt. When heart failure occurs in some patients, there systemic edema, blood pressure and heart enlargement with heart failure cases, the body water and sodium retention. At this point, if not avoid salt, sodium increases, increase water retention, so that swelling is more apparent. Limiting salt intake to prevent water retention, the key body. Heart disease heart failure occurs when the salt content in the daily diet should be reduced to 0.5 to 1.0 grams. Those salt foods such as rice, sweet potatoes, potatoes, flour can be used, fresh vegetables and fruits are free feeding, meat, fish, eggs to be eaten in moderation. Heart disease, for the very strict dietary requirements, especially oily foods that are high lipids, but also to keep a respectful distance. As for what foods should pay special attention? First MSG, salt content of foods to be avoided. Followed by high cholesterol food such as seafood, visceral type, fat, pork skin, fried foods, egg products, cream, etc., should be avoided. In short, any animal with a shell, foot more only, are not intake, such as the clamshell type, squid, crab, shrimp, etc., are high cholesterol foods. Water is the source of life, people under normal circumstances, every day at least twelve hundred milliliters of water to drink. As we all know, mineral water, purified water, distilled water, are clean, sanitary, safe drinking water. But for the elderly, the consumption of high quality natural mineral water with low salinity is most suitable. Quality natural mineral water is deep and the formation of rocks containing special ingredients long-term exposure, and after complex physical, chemical dissolution of certain health effects on the human body, can enhance the body metabolism, improve resistance to diseases, aging, of a These diseases also have medical effects of groundwater. The elderly because the body decline, especially in the summer, the elderly qi and blood, immune function is low, often diabetes, hypertension, atherosclerosis, heart disease and other diseases. So the elderly should take the initiative to drink water, drink at least four cups a day, drink the best choice for high quality natural mineral water. Because the quality of trace elements in natural mineral water. For example, zinc, iron, calcium, silicon, copper, strontium and lithium in the body such as enzymes, hormones, nucleic acid metabolism, with great biological role. Silicon on cardiovascular disease, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, and even many cancers can not imagine the medical capacity; zinc in diabetic patients and adjuvant therapy has a certain effect; iron can prevent anemia and cancer; strontium, lithium can reduce the cardiovascular the incidence of disease and improve disease resistance; copper on the health of ischemic heart disease have significant effect. The morning after the elderly, fasting drink a cup of warm quality natural mineral water, can reduce blood concentrations of the arterial wall wider, beneficial to the normal blood circulation, help prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular disease eat nuts can reduce heart disease incidence of hypertension and heart disease dietary requirements? hypertension and heart disease diet nursed back to health, according to the specific circumstances of the case, generally speaking, should pay attention to the following questions: (1) control the amount of salt in the main salt composition of chlorine and sodium. Such as excessive sodium intake, in the role of some hormones can cause spasm of small arteries, so blood pressure. Meanwhile, the role of sodium salt absorb water well, if excessive ingestion of sodium, body water retention, will increase the burden on the heart. Therefore, the daily supply of dietary sodium to less than 3 grams is appropriate; pickles, mustard, Jiang Doufu other salty foods to eat less, eat better. (2) control the supply of energy in patients with hypertension and heart disease should eat more foods low in calories. The total energy is too high for the serum cholesterol is usually increased. If the patient is overweight and should diet. (3) limit the amount of fat and cholesterol diet per day, try to avoid food containing animal fat and high cholesterol food such as animal fats, fat, liver, kidney, brain, lung, egg yolk, fish roe and so on. To edible vegetable oil and soy products is appropriate. But also not too much vegetable oil, vegetable oil will make for too many patients with obesity. (4) not eat spicy food diet, minimize the use of ginger, pepper, black pepper and other condiments, no smoking, drinking, remove the drink strong tea, strong coffee and other bad habits. (5) eat fresh vegetables and eat some fresh fruits and vegetables, fruits, bean sprouts, kelp, seaweed, fungus and other food, the role of preventing hardening of the arteries. Regular consumption of celery, wilderness, tomatoes and other foods, can reduce blood pressure. Patients with heart disease should eat mountain residue, Rosa laevigata, wild strawberry fruit and other fruits. Rheumatic heart disease should avoid dietary factors (1) prohibits the consumption of bitter cold and spicy food: rheumatic heart disease patients in the Heart yang is insufficient, such as over eating the bitter cold food, can damage the human body yang, worse. In addition, because of pepper, mustard and other foods, can make rapid heartbeat, increased heart burden. And such foods can cause constipation, bowel problems due to excessive force, can increase the burden on the heart, or even unexpected. �� (2) strict control of salt intake: strict control of the amount of salt, salt preserved foods of all kinds should be strictly limited quantity, so as to avoid the body Shuinazhuliu, increase the burden on the heart. (3) refrain from smoking, strong tea and coffee: because cigarettes when burned, can produce large amounts of carbon monoxide, when inhaled carbon monoxide, can cause systemic vasoconstriction, and can be combined with blood hemoglobin, oxygen delivery to function decline, resulting in myocardial ischemia and hypoxia, the heart disadvantage. The wine, tea, coffee and other stimulating beverages excited, can high blood pressure, increased excitability of the nervous system, causing rapid heart rate, and even induce arrhythmia, thereby increasing the burden on the heart, the cardiac valvular damage. So, rheumatic heart patients should be excited about smoking and stimulating drinks. Tomatoes help reduce the risk of a heart attack the Finnish Medical experts believe that regular consumption of tomatoes and tomato products help reduce the risk of heart disease.�������Ƥŷ University nutritionist �������� recently published papers that tomatoes are beneficial to human health because it contains lycopene and carotenoids. These two vitamins in the tomato sauce would not be damaged or disappear. The paper focuses on reducing risk of heart disease, lycopene and the possible link between the risk, but also the university since the 80s of last century were risk factors for coronary artery disease as an integral part of the research project. Kuaopiou region 700 based on tracking observed that middle-aged men, low levels of lycopene in the blood of men the risk of heart attack more than 3 times the normal man. Compared with other countries, Finns from the food intake of lycopene fewer men on the age and many citizens were \On the contrary, young people often eat pizza as an increase in lycopene. Lisa Ning that if eating vegetables and other foods at the same time, eat more tomatoes and pizza on the body is useful. Earlier, medical experts Kuaopiou University study found that lycopene can prevent cervical artery wall thickening. Drink low-fat milk: to reduce the risk of heart disease, scientists found that drinking four cups a day low fat milk will be able to reduce the risk of heart disease. But Mark A. Pereira said, not all dairy products are good for heart health. Those with higher fat content of dairy products, such as whole milk, will increase the body's LDL cholesterol. He told Reuters that the beneficial fat content of dairy products are those products in less than 2%, while the fat content of whole milk is about 4%. He also said that those who drink four cups of milk per day were on average lower risk of obesity occurs about 40% to 60%. Pereira 41 in the world the American Heart Association Cardiovascular Epidemiology and Prevention, said at the annual meeting of the dairy products we have observed a healthy interpretation of this phenomenon is likely to reduce the consumption of dairy products, soft drinks and other high-sugar beverages drinks. This result comes from the young coronary artery disease risk research, this study included 2909 black and white volunteers, their ages between 18 to 30 years, volunteers from the Birmingham, Chicago , Minneapolis, Oakland and other regions, in a ten-year follow-up period (1985-1986 to 1995-1996) of the five volunteers, clinical examination, and investigation of its diet. From Harvard University School of Medicine, said Pereira, a day of high-quality dairy products, drinking more than four times the amount of people who lean body, blood pressure is relatively low, higher levels of good cholesterol, diabetes reduced. The most important thing is to drink milk every day can reduce insulin resistance, insulin resistance often leads to type �� diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes, and type �� diabetes is a known risk of heart disease factors. American Heart Association nutrition, rehabilitation and metabolic Commission warned Ronald M. Krause, Pereira findings from an observational study, so it is difficult to determine the consumption of dairy products and reduced the risk of heart disease cause and effect between relationship. Heart disease, several points ah? Heart failure, hypertension, coronary heart disease, cardiomyopathy, heart valve disease, etc. Oh, and each of the precautionary principle is not very different, you have to make it clear that ah, brother?
Early symptoms of heart disease
I sleep at night, when the first few days, had a dream, a dream the other people are very desperate, and then to wake up, wake up after the chills, heart beating fast, like hundreds of times, it is hard by, and have a returned to normal a few minutes, I .27-year-old male. low blood pressure, blood gas shortage. At 06 years has a similar situation, do not know heart disease /?/// advice. First is to distinguish between fast heart rate caused by this dream, like that you're afraid to make rapid heartbeat, in 2006 a dream that is not also caused a rapid heartbeat. If this is not the most heart problems. If you are suddenly for no apparent reason the heart beat fast, makes you feel uncomfortable, causing nightmares, it could be heart problems, can be a electrocardiogram look. Not distinguish the words, but also eliminate what can be done to see ECG, three to four dollars is not expensive. Hello frightens ourselves, the patient's condition as it is not accidental, it is proposed to be a doctor or a 24-hour Holter electrocardiogram specific look down, and do targeted therapies, in general, there is often the case vagus nerve caused confusion, but also and always What is a big problem, usually pay attention to good living habits, eating habits, avoid fatigue, adequate exercise, changes in attention to follow-up condition. Wang Mu-pin green natural remedies can solve your problem �� breathing: made some minor events, or in a quiet state, shortness of breath phenomenon, but not with cough, expectoration. This situation is likely to be the performance of left ventricular dysfunction. �� face: If you face gray and purple, look indifferent, this is critically ill with advanced heart disease, faces. If his face dark red, which is rheumatic heart disease, mitral stenosis characteristics. If the pale color, there may be signs of mitral regurgitation. �� nose: If the nose is hard and it shows that the heart has too much fat. If the tip of the nose swollen, suggesting that fat may also enlarged heart or heart attack is growing. In addition, the red nose often predict heart disease. �� the skin: chronic heart failure, pulmonary heart disease in patients with advanced skin can be dark brown or dark purple, which is the long-term hypoxic tissues, adrenal cortex function decline. Skin and mucous membranes, and extremities were blue and purple, and that the heart of oxygen, the reduction of blood protein in the blood increase. �� ears: heart disease in the early performance of different degrees of tinnitus, which is fine because the inner ear vascular motility disorders, diseases not caused by systemic response, the precursor to the inner ear to get the signal. If your earlobe creases there a consistent, most likely due to coronary artery disease. �� Head and Neck: If the direction of the clavicle extending to the ear lobes protruding ribs of a table, such as the little finger thick, is likely to be right heart dysfunction. �� shoulder: the weather obviously very good, left shoulder, left arm inside there are bursts of pain, which may be coronary heart disease. �� hands and feet: finger or toe was thick end and a raised surface such as the drumstick-like, common in chronic pulmonary heart disease or congenital cyanotic heart disease. �� lower extremity: the elderly lower extremity edema, cardiac dysfunction is often caused obstruction of venous return performance. In addition, if often palpitations, shortness of breath can only solve the squatting clamp purple heart disease is the performance of specific
Symptoms of heart disease in children
Pediatric heart disease is hereditary you? V not the best answer 1. Cyanosis: children perioral, fingers, ear lobes, oral mucosa such as the purple gray, hard and crying increase .2. Breathing difficulties; exercise breathing accelerated up to 50 to 60 times / min. accompanied by rapid heart rate, such as neonatal heart rate of 160 beats / min or more, and a
oise in the electrocardiogram, echocardiography, x, can be found online exception. In addition, the children have to walk, squat suddenly in play to stop for a while, and then stood up and walked, it could be the performance of congenital heart disease . Pediatric Symptoms of a heart attack, heart failure: neonatal heart failure is considered a medical emergency because the majority of patients usually have more severe heart defects. The clinical presentation is due to pulmonary circulation, systemic circulation congestion, decrease in cardiac output. Pale children, suffocation, dyspnea and tachycardia, heart rate per minute up to 160 -190 times, low blood pressure often. Can hear the gallop. Liver, but rare in peripheral edema. 2, cyanosis: The right to left shunt was the result of mixed arterial and venous blood leaving. In the tip of the nose, lips, finger (toe) nail bed most obvious. 3 squat: with cyanotic congenital heart disease in children, especially in tetralogy of Fallot in children, often squat signs after the event, so as to increase vascular resistance to reduce production of the right heart septal defect left shunt also increases venous return to the right heart, thereby improving pulmonary blood flow. 4, clubbing (toe) and polycythemia: cyanotic congenital heart disease, with almost all the clubbing of fingers (toes), and polycythemia. Clubbing (toe) of the mechanism is not clear, but the body polycythemia arterial hypoxemia is a physiological response. 5, pulmonary arterial hypertension: when septal defect or patent ductus arteriosus in patients with severe pulmonary hypertension and cyanosis syndrome, known as Eisenmenger's syndrome. Clinical manifestations of cyanosis, polycythemia, clubbing (toe), right heart failure signs, such as jugular vein distention, hepatomegaly, peripheral edema, when the patient has lost the opportunity of surgery, the waiting is the only heart and lung transplantation. Most patients die before the age of 40. 6, developmental disorders: children with congenital heart disease are often growth is not normal, showing thin, malnutrition, growth retardation and so on. 7. Other: chest pain, syncope, sudden death. Pediatric heart disease is the genetic result of a very small number.
Infants with congenital heart disease
Babies born before 13 days, to identify congenital heart disease. Biede face difficulty in breathing and sometimes purple. Cry crying out. Now in the hospital but the doctors to discharge, how to do? Due to genetic, gene expression, viral infection , drugs, radiation and other factors caused the heart, great vessels that exist in the structure before birth is called congenital anomalies of cardiovascular disease, a common atrial septal defect, ventricular septal defect, patent ductus arteriosus, Faro's quadruple psychosis. What are the symptoms in children with congenital heart disease? Part of the atrial septal defect, patent ductus arteriosus in infant patients, childhood, adolescence was diagnosed, some are not discovered until later in adulthood. The ventricular septal defect in patients with heart murmur due to its large, usually in early childhood can be found. Infants with congenital heart disease most of the following symptoms: �� frequent colds, recurring bronchitis, pneumonia; �� Infant feeding problems or poor feeding, cough, eat-go there often, shortness of breath, pale, suffocation and other phenomena ; �� skin of children with persistent cyanosis, particularly in the nose, lips, finger (toe) nail bed, the performance of the most obvious of these positions; �� children walking or playing in the moment often squat; �� Children thick distal fingers and toes, color change dark; �� children tired, sweating, mouth Zhou Faqing; �� infants suffering from congenital heart disease developed significantly behind peers, and performance of thin, malnutrition, stunting, etc.; �� children chest pain, syncope. What is involved in the treatment of congenital heart disease? Interventional treatment of congenital heart disease is X-ray, ultrasound, etc. under the guidance of the needle and catheter into the heart along the blood vessels to reach the site, the imaging diagnosis, made on the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the lesion, and then special equipment used to implement blocking the lesion, expansion or embolization treatment. To congenital atrial septal defect intervention, for example, intervention is inserted from the femoral vein in children 2 to 3 mm in diameter transmitter, a self-expanding nitinol wire from the compiled double-disc structure of closure block placed in atrial septal defect, closure device as a distraction rundlet, firmly stuck in the children with atrial septum, the transient, the level of children left to right atrial shunt disappeared, atrial septal will cure the defect. After about 3 months will be like endocardial epithelial cells, like ivy along the surface of occluder began to grow well, forming a layer of smooth membrane. Interventional treatment of congenital heart disease to adapt to the current levy, and some types of atrial septal defect, ventricular septal defect, patent ductus arteriosus, pulmonary stenosis can be completely radical intervention, as children and normal operation can live, learn and work. Interventional treatment success rate has reached 95% to 100%. Interventional treatment of congenital heart disease the benefits of traditional open heart surgery of congenital heart disease need to get past customs anesthesia, thoracic surgery and postoperative recovery shut off the closed three, but will also leave a permanent scar. The contrast, the advantage of intervention is reflected out. �� trauma in the chest and back without incision in the groin only 2 to 3 mm incision (generally not scars.) Without opening the chest and pericardium, but do not cut heart, almost no damage to the heart; �� no need for general anesthesia, only local anesthesia in the groin, avoiding general anesthesia accidents, and general anesthesia on the brain, liver, kidneys and other organs side effects, especially to avoid the narcotic drugs on the mental development of children's brains; �� interventional therapy without blood transfusion as less bleeding, no blood transfusion, to avoid blood transfusion may cause infectious diseases such as hepatitis, AIDS, etc.; �� technical processes involved in short shorter surgery to block an atrial septal defect, for example, the time required for surgery is only 30 minutes, children 6 to 12 hours after getting up activities can be discharged 3 to 5 days; �� no rejection phenomenon due to the current closure devices are used in nickel-titanium shape memory alloy, non-antigenic, in children with no rejection in vivo. What are the symptoms unfit? The following atrial septal defect in children should not receive interventional treatment �� surgery while suffering from heart defects to be; �� anomalous pulmonary venous drainage; �� severe pulmonary hypertension - with bidirectional shunt; �� with atrial fibrillation (abnormal heart rhythms a). The following ventricular septal defect in children should not receive interventional treatment �� vessels too small, difficult to insert the delivery sheath; �� poor anatomic defects, after occluder placement may affect the aortic valve function. The following patent ductus arteriosus �� Children should not receive interventional treatment of several heart defects or deformities coexist; �� children weighing less than 4 kg. Heart disease may be more serious child in your family, and hospitals fear bear responsibility. Go to a large hospital as soon as possible, to identify the cause. Surgery to surgery as quickly as possible, not delay. Hospital to hospital discharge was not sure because the child is too small, may have to wait 23 months point of her children do not know where you are, then recommend you go to Jiangsu Rui Chi Zhen Hospital, Beijing Hospital, where doctors and opened the heart of the Permanent (my friend's child is, where he opened a good) or go directly to the Beijing Anzhen Hospital, I hope you go to a good hospital as soon as possible, I wish the poor child the child safe
Early symptoms of heart disease
Rapid heartbeat, a little excitement is powerful jump, how can not control, and sometimes feel like I have followed the jump, what is heart disease? Hello, rapid heartbeat, a little excitement is powerful jump, how also control No, sometimes feel like I jumped up and went to many factors affect heart rate, such as postural changes, physical activity, food digestion, anxiety, excitement, fear, excitement, drinking, smoking, drinking, etc., can increase the heart rate fast. Rule out the physiological cause, if necessary, treatment examination electrocardiogram, hope my answer to bring you help, I wish you health and happiness. Early symptoms�� ��police Yan concept of color saying about early detection, disease prevention early and take preventive measures; sick early treatment, late to remedy the situation. Heart disease prevention and treatment of the key is \So how in the early detection of heart disease? It is the view of the police Yan Color: In addition to the common heart palpitations, chest pain and other well-known symptoms, often there are some surface signs. To observe the aura symptoms, you can early diagnosis and treatment. These surface signs include: �� made some minor respiratory activity, or in a quiet state, shortness of breath phenomenon, but not with cough, expectoration. This situation is likely to be the performance of left ventricular dysfunction. �� If you face gray and purple face, face indifference, which is critically ill with advanced heart disease, faces. If his face dark red, which is rheumatic heart disease, mitral stenosis characteristics. If the pale color, there may be signs of mitral regurgitation. �� If the nose is hard and the nose, indicating that the heart has too much fat. If the tip of the nose swollen, suggesting that fat may also enlarged heart or heart attack is growing. In addition, the red nose often predict heart disease. �� skin, heart failure, pulmonary heart disease in patients with advanced skin can be dark brown or dark purple, which is the long-term hypoxic tissues, adrenal cortex function decline. Skin and mucous membranes, and extremities were blue and purple, and that the heart of oxygen, the reduction of blood protein in the blood increase. �� ear heart disease in the early performance of different degrees of tinnitus, which is fine because the inner ear vascular motility disorders, diseases not caused by systemic response, the precursor to the inner ear to get the signal. If your earlobe creases there a consistent, most likely due to coronary artery disease. �� If the clavicular head and neck extends to the ear lobe on the direction of bars raised a table, such as the little finger thick, is likely to be right heart dysfunction. �� weather is obviously a very good shoulder, left shoulder, left arm inside there are bursts of pain, which may be coronary heart disease. �� fingers, hands and feet was thick end or toe, and a raised surface such as the drumstick-like, common in chronic pulmonary heart disease or congenital cyanotic heart disease. �� lower extremity in the elderly lower extremity edema, cardiac dysfunction is often caused obstruction of venous return performance. In addition, if often palpitations, asthma, and only was able to ease the squatting, which is unique purple heart disease clamp performance. Emphasis on chest tightness and palpitation I found that many elderly people for their lack of understanding of some of the symptoms, and some young people chest tightness, palpitation and other symptoms are not very seriously, often that does not matter, forbearance and tolerance is over.
Early symptoms of heart disease
An average of 49 times a heart problem with a very healthy if the body, such as athletes, heart rate average of 49 times no problem. If coronary artery disease, heart rate average of 49 times no problem. The following are early symptoms of heart disease: �� made some minor respiratory activity, or in a quiet state, shortness of breath phenomenon, but not with cough, expectoration. This situation is likely to be the performance of left ventricular dysfunction. �� If you face gray and purple face, face indifference, which is critically ill with advanced heart disease, faces. If his face dark red, which is rheumatic heart disease, mitral stenosis characteristics. If the pale color, there may be signs of mitral regurgitation. �� If the nose is hard and the nose, indicating that the heart has too much fat. If the tip of the nose swollen, suggesting that fat may also enlarged heart or heart attack is growing. In addition, the red nose often predict heart disease. �� skin, heart failure, pulmonary heart disease in patients with advanced skin can be dark brown or dark purple, which is the long-term hypoxic tissues, adrenal cortex function decline. Skin and mucous membranes, and extremities were blue and purple, and that the heart of oxygen, the reduction of blood protein in the blood increase. �� ear heart disease in the early performance of different degrees of tinnitus, which is fine because the inner ear vascular motility disorders, diseases not caused by systemic response, the precursor to the inner ear to get the signal. If your earlobe creases there a consistent, most likely due to coronary artery disease. �� If the clavicular head and neck extends to the ear lobe on the direction of bars raised a table, such as the little finger thick, is likely to be right heart dysfunction. �� weather is obviously a very good shoulder, left shoulder, left arm inside there are bursts of pain, which may be coronary heart disease. �� fingers, hands and feet was thick end or toe, and a raised surface such as the drumstick-like, common in chronic pulmonary heart disease or congenital cyanotic heart disease. �� lower extremity in the elderly lower extremity edema, cardiac dysfunction is often caused obstruction of venous return performance. In addition, if often palpitations, asthma, and only was able to ease the squatting, which is unique purple heart disease clamp performance. I hope the above answer to your help. Hello, are you? Your average heart rate 49 times, no symptoms were observed mainly, if any, symptoms, timely followed up, in need of treatment, severe cardiac pacemaker to be installed to speed up the heart rate. Symptoms of heart disease: heart disease is the general term for heart disease, including rheumatic heart disease, congenital heart disease, hypertensive heart disease, coronary heart disease, myocarditis and other heart disease. Different symptoms of early disease have some differences. Common palpitations, chest pain. I hope my answers help you bring, I wish you health and happiness.
What does heart disease to eat fruit?
What does heart disease to eat fruit? Bananas, apples, fruit moisture content should not be too large, to avoid aggravating the burden on the kidneys. Heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney is the body's vital organs, and heart tops the list. Regression everyone knows, once the heart stopped beating, along with contact person's life to end. In the case of existence of life, human cells of the physical and chemical properties and composition is to maintain relatively constant, that is, a stable internal environment. Heart like a blood pump, working day and night with, delivered through the arterial supply to tissues and organs of oxygen and nutrients, and then through the veins to the body's metabolism and carbon dioxide to the excretory organs, thus ensuring the body's metabolism, to maintain a stable internal environment. This is a large circulation. Small cycles known as pulmonary circulation, is a gas exchange process. Oxygen in the air to infiltrate through the capillaries in the alveolar wall, and then from capillaries into the pulmonary veins back to the heart, lungs, carbon dioxide to alveolar wall routed through the alveolar capillaries, and then exhaled in vitro. After the blood circulation through the lungs into the blood to go with the fresh supply of oxygen to the body's needs. Another important blood circulation is called coronary circulation, which specialized in supplying the heart beat of energy. Coronary circulation is mainly done by the coronary system. Aorta from the heart of the first issued by the branch is called the left and right coronary artery. Fresh blood into the aorta, first into the coronary arteries. Coronary heart itself is the supply of oxygen and nutrients in the major blood vessels. Left and right coronary artery is divided into several branches around the supply of the heart were all different areas. The left anterior descending coronary artery around the heart chamber responsible for anterior, apical, and septal blood supply; L support most of the nutrients left ventricle, small left atrium and sinus node nutrition; right coronary artery and the right branch of the main nutrient half-heart. Occurs when a branch of coronary artery disease, myocardial corresponding to nutritional damage occurs, necrosis, resulting in myocardial infarction. In the long process of biological evolution, heart disease has a very strong potential. Myocardial wall in the heart, with a wide range of vascular anastomosis, closely related to the formation of a vascular network, also known as collateral circulation. Once a part of the coronary circulation system disorders occur when the collateral circulation to replace the blocked blood vessel function. Because the left and right coronary artery to open diameter range, 0.2 to 0.75 centimeters, 0.2 to 0.70 cm, and 34% to 48% of the open diameter between 0.41 ~ 0.5 cm, the smallest blood vessels that can easily lead to obstruction and disease. Coronary circulation is supplied by the most active organ of the body. Despite the weight of the heart accounted for only 0.5% of body weight, but a weight of 70 kg of the people, the total blood flow to the heart is equivalent to 250 ml per minute, representing the heart of the total cardiac output of about 5%. This is because the energy required to heart activity, almost entirely by aerobic metabolism to provide oxygen consumption accounted for 12% of the body. When the coronary artery congenital malformation, inflammation, thrombosis, embolism and atherosclerosis and other diseases, the direct impact on the blood supply to the heart, causing myocardial ischemia, hypoxia, leading to heart disease. People often say that the coronary heart disease, in fact, atherosclerotic coronary artery caused by heart disease. Artery is a flexible hollow tube, a membrane, the outer membrane. Under normal circumstances, slim and smooth intima. For various reasons the arterial intima of lipid, especially the excessive accumulation of cholesterol, resulting in local endometrial uplift, white or pale yellow, shaped like a porridge-like, tapering arteries harden. The porridge tilting so narrowing arteries, poor blood flow, easy to form clots, and even block blood vessels. Is known as atherosclerosis. The coronary circulation have extensive branch and collateral circulation, caused by coronary atherosclerosis stenosis will be to the more serious symptoms. When 50% of coronary artery stenosis without any symptoms, 75% angina occurs when the parties, then the disease will develop quickly. If the coronary artery stenosis or thrombosis due completely blocked, the supply division of myocardial ischemia and hypoxia, which is the reason of angina or myocardial infarction. By the coronary atherosclerosis caused by angina, myocardial infarction, arrhythmia referred to as coronary heart disease, referred to as coronary heart disease. Artery atherosclerosis occurs because, so far not completely clear, but since ancient times it. Mawangdui of the Western Han Dynasty unearthed the body of a woman 2000 years ago has confirmed the existence of atherosclerotic plaque and myocardial infarction lesions. A high incidence of coronary heart disease in China, the mortality rate is also high, the main threat in the elderly over the age of 40. In recent years, about 30 years old patients with angina pectoris and myocardial infarction often can be seen. The diet of our children become more and more \Although this led to the role of physical enhancement, but also elevated blood cholesterol, plaque formation in quietly. Therefore, obesity in adolescence is the basis of coronary heart disease after middle age, we should pay attention. More men than women with coronary heart disease, coronary heart disease in women after menopause were significantly increased. This is because the growth of women's higher levels of estrogen in the blood, and estrogen can delay the formation of atherosclerosis. Now that smoking, obesity, hypertension, diabetes, coronary heart disease risk factors, and coronary heart disease have a close relationship. Angina is a clinical syndrome of acute transient myocardial ischemia and hypoxia is caused by one of the symptoms. Which is characterized by paroxysmal chest pain or left chest press, mainly in the chest, can be left shoulder, left upper limb radiation, causing local pain or discomfort. Angina usually disappear within 5 minutes, most of the duration of a few seconds, or 1 to 2 minutes. The most common cause of angina is coronary heart disease. Caused by coronary artery atherosclerotic stenosis, blood flow, in general, not disease. Only when the blood pressure, tachycardia, ventricular hypertrophy, sports, and the increase of myocardial oxygen consumption, resulting in conflicts for the save, which leads to angina. Hardening of coronary heart disease coronary angina depends on the location, extent and severity. The heart of the rich collateral circulation determines the main branches of coronary obstruction and angina pectoris due to vascular different situations: some patients with obstructive coronary artery 2 to 3 is not disease, but some patients to coronary occlusion caused a trunk severe angina. Whatever the causes, myocardial oxygen consumption increased coronary blood flow reduction, can cause angina. Physical activity increases myocardial oxygen consumption. Normally cycling, hiking, jogging easily after angina. Emotions can cause heart rate, blood pressure, induced angina. Common football match, the death of relatives, after an argument with people disease patients. Eat large amounts of animal fats, and alcohol consumption, angina can occur after a few hours. Because the drink menu can cause coronary artery spasm, so that more detailed narrow lumen, blood flow, and after drinking the blood pressure, heart rate and myocardial oxygen consumption to increase. Cold, hot or seasonal transition, abrupt climate change, can lead to coronary spasm, induced angina. In addition, such as forced defecation, mental long time, smoking, sleep too little, and so can cause angina. The clinical manifestations of angina pectoris: A typical angina pectoris is often sudden, short duration, usually only 1 to 5 minutes, rarely more than 15 minutes, individual up to 30 minutes. Parts: chest, left chest multiple, ranging from the size of a fist or palm, each episode relatively fixed positions. Small number of patients in the upper abdomen, jaw, neck, back. Typical angina pectoris to the left upper limb radiation, along the left upper arm from the left shoulder and left forearm, has been radiation to the little finger, ring finger. The site soreness occurs, numbness, inability to feel. Small number of patients may radiate to the neck, throat, teeth, etc.. The nature of pain: squeezing of, tightening pain, often accompanied by a sense of choking and dying feeling of terror, forcing patients to immediately stop any activity. Some patients with pain to a lesser extent. Some only chest tightness, shortness of breath performance. With ECG, angina pectoris, ST segment depression when, T wave low and flat or inverted phenomenon, some patients can be completely normal. Oxygen patients with angina or after sublingual nitroglycerin to reduce or better condition soon. When the following conditions should be particularly alert caused by: 1 �� first description of angina pectoris of coronary artery disease appears quite serious, when cardiac decompensation is low, the resulting cardiac electrical instability, high incidence of sudden death. 2 �� or aggravate recurrent angina pectoris after treatment has stabilized in the near future to increase the number of occurrence of pain, shorten the time interval, the pain increased and sustained for more than 10 minutes, sublingual nitroglycerin increased or ineffective. This is often due to the further development of coronary artery disease, angina was unstable, it may be the precursor of myocardial infarction symptoms. Should try to hospital for treatment, so as not to delay treatment. Angina pectoris in general activity, movement onset time, rest better. There are some patients only in the onset of sleep or supine, called spontaneous angina pectoris. Onset of ECG ST segment elevation myocardial infarction resembles graphics, attention should be identified. The angina pectoris patient outcomes better. Chest pain caused by angina should pay attention to other diseases were identified. Such as cardiac neurosis, intercostal neuritis, cholecystitis. Treatment of angina pectoris: coronary heart disease is a chronic disease requiring long-term treatment, as far as possible avoid all possible triggers and aggravating factors, to prevent angina attacks. In addition, the angina is a prelude to myocardial infarction. We must control the angina. First, the general treatment. Proper arrangements for living and working, do not overwork and stress. Light diet, vegetables, fruit-based, small meals often, do not eat too much, one should be smoking and drinking. Force to prevent the stool. Appropriate activities for relaxation. Necessary bed rest, oxygen, pain occurs with unstable angina, cardiac monitoring should be carried out timely medical treatment. Second, the drug treatment. The most common method is to take nitroglycerin tablets. In addition there are �� �� blocker drugs such as propranolol, calcium channel blockers such as nifedipine, Diltiazem. The following highlights about the role and use of nitroglycerin. Nitroglycerin has been used in clinical treatment of angina pectoris a century, the principle is the role of nitroglycerin coronary artery and vein can be expanded to reduce the cause of angina pectoris, reducing myocardial oxygen consumption, increased myocardial blood supply, thus achieve analgesic effect. Taking nitroglycerin tablets, medication to be well, or not achieve the desired effect. Must note the following. 1 �� sublingual should not swallow the sublingual capillaries is very rich because the drug rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream, which occurs 1 to 2 minutes analgesic effect. And swallow slowly absorbed, the effect is poor. 2 �� Banwo posture by sitting or taking nitroglycerin on the cerebral vascular dilatation Obviously, after taking the drug immediately flushing, headache, standing there, \The initial medication in elderly patients or patients with dizziness, headache after sitting feeling of medication, as long as the supine rest and symptomatic treatment soon return to normal, no major hindrance. With the medication time, this effect gradually reduce and eventually disappear. 3 �� select the optimal dose of films began to take nitroglycerin, the dose should not be too large, or will cause side effects. Each with half a slice of the general service or a (0.15 ~ 0.30 mg) as well. How much dose services, according to the disease may be best to find a suitable for each patient to achieve both effects, but also the side effects of the dose. Can only be effective if the drug increased the short term, even for 3 to 5, indicating that the disease changes, the need for timely treatment. 4 �� nitroglycerin nitroglycerin dosage forms selected medicines can be divided into quick, in the long-term and long-acting formulations. When angina pectoris, the first aid class is generally used, such as nitroglycerin tablets available. If recurrent angina, can attack the same time taking in the long-term preparations, to prevent another attack. Medicines commonly used in long-acting isosorbide dinitrate, long-acting nitroglycerin, the general effectiveness of drugs for 4 to 8 hours. 5 �� nitroglycerin combined with other drugs, fast heart rate, angina, propranolol can be the same service; angina pectoris with high blood pressure, nifedipine may be the same service. Nitroglycerin can also work with verapamil Diltiazem combination to enhance efficacy, side effects of each restraint. 6 �� prophylactic use of nitroglycerin tablets can be predicted for a certain force or activities angina patients before force can be used with nitroglycerin. For example, in meal, stool prone to angina, and stool can be in the meal before I containing nitroglycerin to stop the attack. 7 �� Note the use of nitroglycerin tablets in order to maintain the efficacy of this drug should be placed in sealed dark colored bottle, and note the expiration date of drugs, timely replacement close to the expiration of the tablets. Patients with a history of angina or the elderly, drugs should carry first aid box on the easy pick. Currently, nitroglycerin has a film agent, and oral spray. Topical agents in the left anterior chest film, drug absorption through the skin evenly, within 24 hours continuous play the role of anti-angina pectoris. Due to the small amount of oral spray to absorb faster, the patients suffered side effects welcome. More expensive than the two formulations is not conducive to promoting the use of. The treatment of angina pectoris variety of Chinese and Western medicines, and some very definite drug efficacy in the treatment of a very good role to play. 1 �� Suxiaojiuxin Pill as Chinese medicine, angina attack to take 10 to 15 minutes effective, long-term use of this drug can be, 2 or 3 times a day, every 5 to 10, to prevent angina . Suxiaojiuxin Pill is not suitable for application in particular used in nitroglycerin angina patients. 2 �� verapamil on the role of spontaneous angina pectoris good. 3 �� other pills, such as Guan Xin Su, compound Danshen tablets and other drugs Xinnaoshutong long-term use, you can play the role of spironolactone coronary circulation, the general conditions according to their own choice of which 1 to 2. Common arrhythmia and first aid normal heart beat is regular, adult heart rate is 60 per minute to 100 times the heartbeat interval is uniformity, and speed is not more than 0.12 seconds. If the heart beat too fast too slow, less than 60 times per minute or greater than 100 times, irregular heartbeats, unsteadiness, ranging from the strength of the heartbeat, which is called arrhythmia. Arrhythmia caused by many reasons, such as coronary heart disease, rheumatic heart disease, congenital heart disease, hypertensive heart disease, myocarditis, cardiomyopathy and other heart diseases can cause arrhythmias. Certain drugs such as digitalis, quinidine, etc., tobacco, tea, alcohol excess, a time of stress, fatigue, body electrolyte imbalance can cause arrhythmias. Coronary heart disease is a common arrhythmia and often is an important clinical manifestations. Coronary heart disease improves, arrhythmia to reduce or disappear. Many different types of arrhythmia, such as sinus tachycardia, sinus bradycardia, nodal premature beat in the clinical process is so good, will not cause serious consequences, the paper will not be discussed. This article discusses only the serious need for emergency treatment of arrhythmia. First, the ventricular premature beat. Premature beat, also known as premature, early jump, extrasystoles. Premature beat in the ectopic pacemaker origin, and basic rhythm compared to the other beat in time is \Produced premature ventricular ectopic pacemaker called premature ventricular contractions in (the room early). Cardiac pacemaker in the sinoatrial node under normal conditions. The clinical manifestations of ventricular premature chest tightness, shortness of breath, feeling the heartbeat interval, heart palpitations, PVCs per minute, 5 times the following happens, patients are still capable of tolerance, more than 5 times or more, the symptoms get worse, but also dizziness, pale, angina , blood pressure, heart insufficiency and low performance. When frequent PVCs, or even two pair, three pair of ground, which is called bigeminy, triple law. It reveals the severity of coronary heart disease, it may develop into more serious arrhythmias - ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation. If not corrected, will soon lead to the result of cardiac arrest. In addition to the room early diagnosis of symptoms of chest tightness, shortness of breath, but mainly rely on ECG diagnosis. Angina, myocardial infarction patients to do routine ECG, and heart power to monitor heart rate monitor, to capture changes in the sign of ventricular premature for timely processing. Early treatment room: family room occurred as early as the patient, if the previous history of coronary heart disease angina treatment can be given oxygen and sublingual nitroglycerin. After treatment, ventricular premature can be reduced or disappear. If not effective, we must promptly to the hospital, under the guidance of a doctor applied propafenone and mexiletine and other drug treatment. Must not take their instructions based on drugs, so as not to cause other serious consequences. Second, paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia. Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia is a rapid and orderly paroxysmal heart rhythm, referred to as \Which is characterized by sudden onset of a sudden stop. Attack, the patient feels very fast heart beat, like jump-like, very hard to accept. Onset heart rate of 150 to 250 times per minute, a few seconds, minutes or hours, a few days. Sometimes when a doctor arrived, the patient discontinued attack. Palpitation may be the only performance, but if history of coronary heart disease or other heart disease, it is possible dizziness, fatigue, dyspnea, angina, syncope, ECG changes of myocardial ischemia, and continued to have heart Speed 1 ~ 2 weeks after the cessation. Some patients were diagnosed for the first time the highest incidence is in place after supraventricular tachycardia. In addition to supraventricular tachycardia causes of coronary heart disease, other heart disease such as hypertension, heart disease, rheumatic heart disease with mitral stenosis, hyperthyroidism, WPW syndrome can be caused. Individual young people without heart disease can also attack, but after very well. Recurrent supraventricular tachycardia with characteristics of the initial onset of symptoms, ECG features and performance similar to relapse later. Recurrent patients themselves will be able to determine a supraventricular tachycardia occurred, which is conducive to the ambulance. However, the diagnosis of supraventricular tachycardia depend on ECG, especially in pre-excitation syndrome with supraventricular tachycardia were the initial onset of disease must be done in the ECG to confirm the diagnosis, and the retention of the ECG, another attack or a doctor present to the doctor when to provide basis for diagnosis and treatment in order to avoid misdiagnosis. Family First Aid Room on the many ways to speed the patient's main objective is to end as soon as the onset of supraventricular tachycardia in order to avoid heart failure, shock and other adverse consequences. Termination of supraventricular tachycardia episodes of measures: (1) asked the patient took a deep breath and choked, and then forced to do breath action, or deep breath after the Ping Zhu, and then forced to do breathing movements, repeatedly. (2) with a spatula (the first chopsticks, spoons) oppression base of the tongue, nausea and vomiting induced by motion. (3) oppression of the eye. Supine, eyes closed, looking down, his family above the eye with the thumb side of the oppressed, and gradually increase the pressure, each 10 seconds, turn compression on both sides of the eye. Time not too long oppressed, should not be too hard, slow-speed when the room immediately when the stop oppression. Glaucoma and high myopia ban this method. (4) medical termination of seizures must be carried out by a doctor. Commonly used drugs cedilanid 0.4 mg, or 35 to 70 mg propafenone or verapamil 5 mg, is required under ECG monitoring (heart auscultation in the absence of such conditions can be pulse or touch) the slow intravenous injection, once the onset of supraventricular tachycardia Stop, stop injection, in order to avoid overdose. WPW syndrome with supraventricular tachycardia disabled Cedilanid. (5) aid or medical treatment by the family is not effective, lasting several hours or more, should be actively taken to the hospital for further treatment, the electrical cardioversion, or cardioversion transesophageal pacing. (6) In addition to these ambulance, the supraventricular tachycardia patients with coronary heart disease treatment may be given oxygen, sublingual nitroglycerin, clothing Suxiaojiuxin Pill, etc., to improve the myocardial oxygen supply, and sometimes can play a relieve or termination of the effects of attack. Third, atrial fibrillation. Atrial fibrillation (AF), coronary heart disease common arrhythmia. Atrial fibrillation, atrial produce 350 to 600 times per minute, irregular impulse, uncoordinated atrial muscle fibers to various parts of random chatter, loss of effective atrial contraction consistency, leading to ventricular contraction, clinical symptoms. Divided into paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, chronic two types. A sudden onset of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, which lasted several minutes, hours, days, may be terminated or their own after treatment termination. After the onset of chronic atrial fibrillation does not terminate, with heart disease for decades, used to, no ambulance. First aid is needed in clinical paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and acute exacerbations of chronic atrial fibrillation case. 1 �� main clinical manifestations of atrial fibrillation, palpitations, shortness of breath, fatigue, difficulty in breathing after exertion, dizziness, pulse arrhythmia, rheumatic heart disease patients with recurrent atrial fibrillation with heart failure, there hemoptysis. Rapid heart rate, coronary heart disease due to atrial fibrillation may be more Erzhi coronary insufficiency, induced angina. Atrial fibrillation can cause cerebral insufficiency and syncope occurred. The severity of atrial fibrillation and heart rate of speed, duration of atrial fibrillation, heart level, the state of cardiac function. Chronic atrial fibrillation heart rate over 100 beats / minute, more than several hours of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, heart disease was severe, heart function is poor, very critical condition, need to actively help. 2 �� rely on clinical diagnosis of atrial fibrillation, including palpitation, dizziness, pulse missing, and missed jump, arrhythmia, heart strength ranging from heart and pulse of Li action inconsistent with, jump pulse is less than the heartbeat, etc., ECG as an adjunct diagnostic tool. 3 �� rescue measures: (1) treatment for the cause. (2) oxygen, sublingual nitroglycerin, service Suxiaojiuxin Pill. (3) reduce the rapid heart rate, cardiac drugs, such as with digoxin, Cedilanid and so on. Patients should generally be taken to hospital for treatment as soon as possible. (4) cardioversion of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, sub-transfer complex and electroporation of drug rehabilitation, required under ECG monitoring by a doctor. Fourth, atrioventricular block. Atrioventricular block (referred to AVB), is due to coronary heart disease or other heart conduction system of the heart insufficiency, the atrial ventricular mass by blocking nerve impulses, causing the atrial ventricular rhythm of the dance, can not be coordinated. AVB divided into complete and incomplete, complete atrioventricular block as the third (�� �� AVB), also known as incomplete the first degree and second degree atrioventricular block (�� �� AVB, �� �� AVB). AVB cause of coronary heart disease myocardial infarction, rheumatic fever, diphtheria, congenital heart disease, myocarditis, use of certain drugs (digitalis, propranolol), hypertension and so on. 1 �� AVB AVB clinical manifestations of sub-degree and sub-type ECG rely mainly on the diagnosis, the degree of (type) migration between each other. Such as acute inferior wall myocardial infarction, severe illness can occur with complete atrioventricular block (�� �� AVB), when the condition improved, the ECG is not complete atrioventricular block (�� �� AVB or �� �� AVB) which �� �� AVB can be divided into type �� Mohs, Mohs ��. �� �� AVB patients often asymptomatic, discovered in routine ECG examination. �� �� �� type AVB patients may see themselves as having cardiac lacuna. �� �� �� type AVB patients may have dizziness, fatigue, fainting and heart failure, easy to develop �� �� AVB. �� �� AVB symptoms depends on the heart rate. Heart rate 40 to 60 times per minute, the patient may have only chest symptoms, heart rate at 40 times the following to occur the symptoms of myocardial ischemia and, more obvious after the event. Can have dizziness, chest tightness, chest pain and syncope, and recurrent E Sishi syndrome, also known as cardiogenic cerebral hypoxia syndrome. Generally less than 20 times per minute, heart rate or cardiac arrest occurs. Asi Shi Zheng sudden onset patients, confusion, convulsions, foaming at the mouth, a few seconds or minutes, when the heart rate recovery or heart rate after the patients recover quickly. A Sishi sudden onset of symptoms, often without aura symptoms, people by surprise. A Sishi recurrent symptoms can lead to sudden death. Therefore, �� �� AVB must be actively treatment. 2 �� rescue measures: (1) has occurred Asi Shi �� �� AVB patients with symptoms of heart rate is about 40 times per minute, the side not from the people, in the event of cardiac arrest caused by Asi Shi Zheng, cardiopulmonary resuscitation should be immediately (see chapter II). And quickly taken to the hospital called the family doctor visits or treatment. (2) to give oxygen, the first lateral, clear oral secretions, keep the airway open. (3) increased heart rate, atropine 0.3 mg, 4 hours orally; ephedrine 25 mg orally, 3 to 4 times a day; wheezing given sublingually 5 to 10 mg every 4 hours. Patients with a history of coronary artery disease can be sublingual nitroglycerin or oral Suxiaojiuxin Pill. (4) original treatment, myocarditis given anti-infection treatment, drug overdose is disabled, correct acidosis and hyperkalemia, acute inferior wall myocardial infarction, coronary artery expansion may be given drugs such as salvia miltiorrhiza, Guan Xin Su Wan, nitroglycerin and so on. (5) �� �� AVB after medical therapy need to install a temporary or permanent artificial cardiac pacemaker. Fifth, paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia. Paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia (VT short), is a severe fast arrhythmia, ventricular tachycardia developed to the most extent in the heart appear. With supraventricular tachycardia is different is that VT is easy to cause shock attack, heart failure, cardiac arrest and other serious consequences. And sometimes in the incidence of early or ECG can not be different. Once the suspect or has been diagnosed with ventricular tachycardia, should be immediately put into first aid. VT is the most common cause of coronary heart disease, others such as heart disease, hypertensive heart disease, rheumatic heart disease, digitalis intoxication, serum potassium is too low or too high can cause cardiac surgery Dengjun. Occasional individual patients of unknown etiology. Factors induced VT exercise, emotional excitement, pregnancy, alcohol consumption, drinking coffee and smoking too much. 1 �� clinical manifestations of ventricular tachycardia heart rate from 120 to 250 beats / minute, a sudden onset of an abrupt end. The severity depends on the degree of heart disease and the duration of tachycardia. Usually the performance of palpitations, chest tightness, dyspnea, angina, hypotension, syncope. When the time of acute myocardial infarction ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation indicate imminent. 2 �� rescue measures: (1) the seriousness of the call to come to critically ill emergency rescue vehicles, not leave people around the patient in the hospital under strict monitoring. (2) in the event of cardiac arrest, immediate CPR. (3) oxygen, sublingual nitroglycerin, oral Suxiaojiuxin Pill. (4) lidocaine is the drug of choice, 50 to 100 mg intravenously, repeated every 5 to 10 minutes, 50 mg, the total up to 400 mg, and intravenous drip to maintain 24 to 72 hours. Lidocaine must be applied by a doctor or hospital in order to avoid poisoning, adverse to the patient. Invalid lidocaine can switch propafenone, mexiletine and other drugs. (5) for the cause of treatment or symptomatic treatment. (6) conducted with direct current cardioversion. The general void in the lidocaine and other drugs after the application. (7) control the onset of seizures after the cessation of use of oral drugs to prevent recurrence. Click here for the full version: sljk / ybjb / xunhuan / xzb.htm heart: apples, walnuts, bananas, watermelon, pear, pineapple, bananas, apples, fruit moisture content should not be too large, to avoid aggravating the burden on the kidneys.