Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Diabetes treatment

Some people say to drink with coffee beans can be soaked in water treatment of diabetes, diabetes treatment does this view of science: Many people think of psychotherapy treatment of diabetes is mainly diet, exercise and medication. In fact, psychological treatment of diabetes control is very important. positive mood conducive to maintaining a stable internal environment stable patients, and anxiety can cause some stress hormones such as epinephrine, norepinephrine, adrenocorticotropic hormone and glucagon secretion, thereby antagonizing insulin, causing blood sugar rise high, made it worse. the right mental state and attitude of the disease should be the proper guidance of a doctor, to take the initiative to learn the knowledge of diabetes prevention and control, through the urine and blood glucose monitoring, and explore the impact of favorable and unfavorable factors of the disease, control of their disease characteristics, strong faith and perseverance, careful treatment without tension, persistent reasonable diet, physical activity, work and rest. the proper use of drugs to body weight, blood sugar, urine sugar, blood glucose, blood lipids remained at reasonable level. an infection, surgery, significant mental burden, to timely and correct treatment. In short, through the cooperation of psychotherapy, to achieve effective control and prevention of diabetes purposes. II diabetes: diet therapy Food is, people do not do exercise, but certainly had to eat every day. and diet have a direct impact on diabetes, so diet is very important for the treatment of diabetes. Traditional Chinese medicine: diabetes Multi Atsumi because of alcohol, damage the spleen and stomach, transportation of dereliction of duty, consumer consumption Jin Gu, lust Shangyin hot fat based instead deficiency disease. such as the "Yellow Emperor", saying: "This is fertile also issued, the person will also vegetarian sweet and more fat, fat person It is heat, is full of those who Gan, so the gas overflow into Diabetes "." Jing Yue Quan Shu "said:" Diabetes, which is the Beginning of disease, are cream of the change Feigan Liang, wine and women workers The injury had, people are sick of the rich, but few are staying poor. "Pointed out that obesity, more affluent life, this disease, which is the cause of modern medical knowledge of diabetes is consistent. The level of blood glucose and insulin secretion due to the number and type of food into the closely related, so diet is the basis of various types of diabetes treatment , no matter what type of diabetes, severity or complication, the use of which drug therapy should be strictly controlled diet for long-term commitment. As early as 50 years ago, Chinese and foreign treatment programs are low-carbohydrate, high fat, high-protein diet based. According to the clinical practice has proved that this diet islet function in diabetic patients not beneficial, and high fat diet will increase the patient's vascular disease of diabetes, high protein diet will cause increased incidence of diabetic nephropathy . The current medical experts advocated the amount of high-carbohydrate, lower fat percentage, protein intake in the diet control, to improve blood glucose has a good effect, the specific content of diet is as follows: First, the food rationing based on age, gender, occupation, , the standard body weight [(length -100) �� 0.9] estimated the total daily calorie requirements. Men calories per day than women by about 5% higher. The age of different sizes have different caloric needs, the general need for per kilogram of body weight the number of calories kcal for young people> middle-> old>, the average of the high 5% to 10% per kg body weight / day. The energy consumption of different manual is different every day. light work per kilogram body weight per Japan consumes 30 ~ 35kcal heat; Medium manual consumption per kilogram of body weight per day 35 ~ 40kcal heat; heavy manual workers to be 40kcal per kilogram body weight per day over the heat. In general, pregnant women, nursing mothers, malnutrition and wasting disease should increase, as appropriate, obesity reduce it, so that patients maintain normal weight is about 5% of body weight, often can be satisfied with control of the disease. Second, the proportion of the three major nutrients reasonable adjustments in the diet of sugar, fat and protein percentage of the three major nutrients to make reasonable arrangements and adjustments. not only to achieve the purpose of treating disease, but also to meet the body's physiological needs. Currently, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) claim: carbohydrate diet diabetic patients should be 55% of total calories to 60%; protein Daily intake should not exceed 15% of total calories. to day 0.8 ~ 1.2g per kg of body weight is appropriate. development of young people and pregnant women, nursing mothers, or special vocational and other complications in patients who can Zhuojia to 1.5g or so; daily total fat intake should not exceed 30% of total calories to the daily 0.6 ~ 1g per kg of body weight as well, such as obese patients, particularly those high blood lipids or atherosclerosis, fat intake should be adjusted depending on the specific situation. Third, diet and energy calculation calculation of the nutrient supply of the body are three kinds of energy: protein, fat, carbohydrates. which are available per gram of carbohydrate and protein energy 4kcal (1kcal = 4.184kj), fat per g of heat can 9kcal (37.74kj). diabetic patients will be according to its labor intensity of total calories per person per day (kcal) by 69% carbohydrates, protein 15%, 25% of the proportion of fat distribution, obtained various components of energy supply, and then heat production per gram of fat 9kcal, carbohydrate and protein 4 kcal per gram of heat converted the supply needs of the patient, the weight of the different nutrients can be three meals a day or four meals. meals heat distribution for breakfast 1 / 5, lunch and dinner each 2 / 5. four meals for breakfast heat distribution 1 / 7, and the remaining three meals a day each 2 / 7. For example: A medium weight 60kg manual, the normal size of adult diabetes patients per day per kilogram of body weight 40kcal heat calculation, the total calories a day for the 2400kcal, according to the above proportion is 1440kcal calories from carbohydrates, 360kcal calories from protein, 600kcal from fat. provide the needed supply of 360g of carbohydrate calories , 90g protein, 66g fat. We emphasize that the method of heat through the diet is not required diabetic patients must be mechanically to day basis, but should grasp this calculation method, from time to time, or weight gain was substantial change calculations to work out the next phase of diet programs, and Eat less sweets, fatty foods, dietary choices, but also strive to both the principles of diversity. diabetes treatment three: exercise therapy in patients with exercise therapy is based on the functions and disease characteristics , the use of physical exercise prevent disease, enhance the body resistance to help patients overcome the disease, an effective way to restore health. exercise benefits the body in the following list of exercises specifically described. in the treatment of diabetes, exercise therapy is is an important part, especially for elderly patients, obese patients is more important. motherland medicine have long recognized the importance of exercise on diabetic patients, the Sui Dynasty "to treat patients on the" Tang Dynasty "Taiwan Miyao" Diabetes has been documented in sports therapy. Since then, the ancient physicians Jieyou discussed. to the mid-eighteenth century, some well-known abroad, have begun to advocate diabetes physician should make the appropriate physical activity, and to physical activity, diet , insulin injection as treatment of diabetes in the three magic weapons. Some light is only doing physical exercise in patients with diabetes combined with diet control that is able to achieve recovery. diabetes treatment of the four: health tea brand cure brick tea, tea is now very fashionable spa, with tribute buds raw tea leaves and natural herbal-based raw materials, for diabetes, high blood sugar have a good effect.

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