Wednesday, December 29, 2010

To take the early treatment of diabetes

I hope people will help, but best to have a doctor friend to help, thank you! First to lose weight, if you are overweight, diet, increase physical activity, in fact, patients with diabetes can eat anything, but to the total calorie restricted diet, As long as each meal every day should not exceed the total amount of intake can choose to eat anything, but the best meal to eat do not eat snacks at Dayton, this is not conducive to glycemic control, exercise should be bigger, such as a day to climb 12 floors climb three or four, can not stand to do several times, in short, important to cut down the body, if you are thin, then we should give enough calories, not too thin, ideal body weight to control the best way you can look at specific Novolin brochure, this is a brand of insulin all the major hospitals have, you can find the doctor to have a Department of Endocrinology, guidance on diet and exercise are very specific, if you diet and exercise to improve glycemic control after ideal, you can not take medication, and if that does not work, you can first select the oral medication, the election of fat metformin (brand name Glucophage, the other still a good variety, the better) according to the instructions on the line to eat, but to find the best medical advice about, or you can choose Juan urea hypoglycemic drugs, do not remember the specific name of the drug, to the pharmacy to ask you to know, the faster easier hypoglycemia hypoglycemic. If still not ideal, it is best to apply insulin, do not worry about what insulin dependence, it did not, the early application can be just the protection of your pancreatic function, pancreatic function if your resume is good, reductions, or even disable the switch to oral medication, but Insulin is the best long-term effect may well protect your kidneys and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular infringement late as possible, and now the international community is advocating early insulin, based on the amount of available early (before meals) 8U 8U before going to bed late in the 8U 1OU, control can be changed after a good breakfast, before dinner, before the 12U 12-14U, based on your total amount divided by 2 four times, a two-injection, mainly based on your blood glucose, high, then you can add 1-2U, low- to reduce some of the words. probably so much, I hope you can help

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