Wednesday, December 29, 2010

How can we not afford steamed crab legs?

Crab autumn, but also extend their good time. Perhaps many people will encounter this problem: when steamed crabs, crab legs out often. In fact, this is quite normal, because in the course of steamed crabs for crab heat in the pot struggle will lead to crab legs very easily. How can we avoid this situation happen? tools / materials thin metal needles \ thin aluminum pin steps / methods ready to use when a knot yarn needle thin aluminum , or a little longer to other fine metal needles; left hand grasping crab, right oblique with the material sticking to the middle of the bubble crab spit direction (ie crab mouth) l cm; these two steps completed, then the crab To mature into the pot steamed up. Jichi Note crabs because crabs died rich in histidine, crab, death, bacteria can multiply rapidly in the crabs, so that toxic histamine histidine, can cause poisoning. Jichi stored for too long cooked crab, cooked crab vulnerable to bacterial contamination of stored too long, so do not eat the cooked crab stored for too long. bogey extend their stomach with pathogenic bacteria and toxic crab stomach debris. Jichi short steaming time crab steamed crab and then heated to boil for half an hour, to prevent the crab is not completely kill the microorganisms. bogey extend their time without condiments cold for crabs, extend their should be accompanied by ginger, vinegar, to prevent injury stomach. bogey extend their persimmon persimmon contains after eating a lot of tannin, the protein with the combination of crab, which causes nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other symptoms. bogey bogey extend their allergy cold fever extend their addition, have a cold, fever, stomach pain, diarrhea, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, hepatitis patients were not extend their active, to avoid worse. As high cholesterol in Crab, therefore, coronary heart disease, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, high cholesterol patients, it also should be controlled to eat Crab. Tips: crab poisoning case, the light can be used 60 grams of Chinese basil leaves, add ginger 3 to 4 tablets, emergency fire Jiantang, hot taking a certain detoxification. weight should be immediately sent to into the hospital. should not eat raw crabs crabs generally feed on dead animals or humus, which the crab body surface, gills and gastrointestinal tract, covered with a variety of bacteria and sludge. crabs tend to bend and the capsule with paragonimiasis Vibrio parahaemolyticus, if not pasteurized, paragonimiasis into the human body can cause lung damage. If a large number of Vibrio parahaemolyticus infection invades the human body poisoning occurs, showing intestinal inflammation, edema and congestion and other symptoms. Therefore, Cook steamed crab-eating to the general boil 30 minutes or more after the heat sterilization can play a role. do not eat cooked crab survive long storage of cooked crabs intrusion easily contaminated by bacteria, therefore, is to eat crabs should be burning now, do not storage. if not eat it, the rest must be kept in clean, cool well ventilated place (preferably the refrigerator), then frying cooked food must be thoroughly steamed. should not mess should be noted that when chewing stretch extend their four-cleared. To clear the stomach of a crab. crab crab urinary package known as the stomach, the central front in the back shell of the bone like a triangle and small, within the sediment pollution; Second, we must eliminate crab intestine, from crab to crab umbilical stomach through a black line; Third, we must clear the crab heart, the heart commonly known as hexagonal plates crab; Fourth, we must clear the crab gills, that is long in the abdomen, such as crab-like eyebrows two rows of soft things, commonly known as crab eyebrows. dirty, nor consumption of these parts of the value of both, do not mess chewing together, so as not to cause food poisoning. should not eat too much even if the greedy have endured: because the crab is cold, should not eat. spleen Deficiency shall draw attention in particular to avoid abdominal pain and diarrhea. because of abdominal pain caused by eating crab diarrhea, medicine availability, temperature 15 grams basil, with ginger, 5 to 6 pieces, plus Shuijianbi. do not extend their time with the food and tea, and extend their bogey after drinking water within 1 hour. because the water will dilute the acid, tea will make crab solidification of some elements, not conducive to digestion and absorption, but also may cause abdominal pain, diarrhea. not with the same fresh persimmon should be noted: avoid crab and persimmon mixed with food. because the persimmon tannin and other ingredients will make the meat protein coagulation in crab solidification of the material for a long time to stay in the intestine will be fermented corruption, cause vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other reactions. patients should not eat delicious crab inhuman people safe. crab meat tender, delicious taste, rich nutrition, protein content than pork, fish should be several times higher, riboflavin, calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamin A content was also higher. However, not everyone delicious crab safe. because the crab is cold, and contains a large number of protein and high cholesterol, for the following persons suffering from certain diseases to be fasting or deprivation. For example: �� suffering from cold, fever, stomach pain and diarrhea if patients eat crabs, would aggravate the disease. �� chronic gastritis, duodenal ulcer, cholecystitis, gallstones disease, active hepatitis patients, it is best not to eat crabs, so as not to aggravate the disease. �� Crab high cholesterol, coronary heart disease, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, high cholesterol Crab people should eat or not eat, or will be worse. �� physical allergies, if after eating the crab, it is easy to cause nausea, vomiting, hives sky. �� spleen Deficiency people should eat less or not eat crabs, because the food is easily cause abdominal pain and diarrhea. If that happens, available 15 grams basil, ginger, five decoction to relieve pain, diarrhea. Resources for the elderly Network Channel-loving tips: qm/v95507.html

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